Scheme Partners

The Transforming the Trent Valley Partnership is a consortium of local authorities, statutory bodies and voluntary and environmental charities led by Staffordshire Wildlife Trust.

Transforming the Trent Valley Partnership

Transforming the Trent Valley is the partnership originally established to deliver a landscape scheme of the same name and evolved from a smaller partnership known as the Central Rivers Initiative.

Originally focussing on an area 200km² in the east of Staffordshire and the south of Derbyshire, the partnership now encompasses the catchment of the River Trent in Staffordshire and Derbyshire from the headwaters in Biddulph to its middle reaches in Shardlow.

The partnership has the following 5 aims:

  1. Conserve, enhance and restore the natural, cultural and historic features of the Trent Valley Landscape.
  2. Build resilience to climate change in communities and habitats.
  3. Reconnect and engage communities with the Trent Valley landscape and its natural and cultural heritage.
  4. Improve and encourage access to nature for health, wellbeing, enjoyment and learning.
  5. Inspire communities to take action and gain autonomy through skills training, development and support.

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is the leading nature conservation body in the county and a registered charity. It protects and enhances our wildlife and wild places and promotes involvement, enjoyment and understanding of the natural world. With the support of 19,000 members, it manages 30 sites covering over 4,000 acres including sites of international, European and national importance. As part of The Wildlife Trusts, the Trust is the local face of the largest organisation in the UK concerned with the conservation of all forms of wildlife.

The National Lottery Heritage Lottery Fund

As the largest dedicated funder of the UK’s heritage, The National Lottery Heritage Fund’s vision is for heritage to be valued, cared for and sustained for everyone, now and in the future as set out in the strategic plan, Heritage 2033. Over the next ten years, the Heritage Fund aims to invest £3.6billion raised for good causes by National Lottery players to bring about benefits for people, places and the natural environment.  The Heritage Fund helps protect, transform and share the things from the past that people care about, from popular museums and historic places, our natural environment and fragile species, to the languages and cultural traditions that celebrate who we are. The Heritage Fund is passionate about heritage and committed to driving innovation and collaboration to make a positive difference to people’s lives today, while leaving a lasting legacy for future generations to enjoy.


Central Rivers Initiative

The Central Rivers Initiative was established as a partnership in November 1997. The partnership aimed to secure a multifunctional end use for sand and gravel extraction sites in the sub region, and to integrate the sites into landscape scale management of the river valleys.

In November 2016, the Central Rivers Initiative partnership successfully secured a grant from The National Lottery Heritage Lottery Fund to develop an ambitious scheme focussing on the River Trent and its tributaries the Tame and the Dove.

The final application was given the green light in December 2018 and Transforming the Trent Valley was successfully delivered between 2019 and 2024. The Central Rivers Initiative has since been superseded by the Transforming the Trent Valley Partnership.

Organisation Twitter Website
Aggregate Industries @AggregateUK
Canal & River Trust @CRTEastMidlands / @CanalRiverTrust
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust @DerbysWildlife
Environment Agency / EA Midlands @EnvAgency / @EnvAgencyMids
GeoConservation Staffordshire @GCStaffs
The Globe Foundation @theglobefdn
Hanson UK @Hanson_UK
National Forest Company @NatForestCo
Staffordshire County Council @StaffordshireCC
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust (Scheme Lead Partner) @StaffsWildlife
Support Staffordshire @supportstaffs
Together Active
Trent Rivers Trust @Trent_R_Trust